Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ms. Independence

Ha. Emma's Uncle Jason has taught her "shake your bootie" Too funny. Well in the last week Emma has become Ms. Independence. She wants to do everything herself and it is nice but frustrating as well knowing she still needs help with things. I think we are 100% potty trained and I am so excited about that but for example...tonight she wants to go potty and not only wants to go but wants to go ALL BY HERSELF. She even shut the bathroom door so I couldn't be a part of it. HA. So I of course open it anyhow after a minute and sure enough she is going potty but then insists that she takes her potty and dumps it in the big toilet without any help. I have to give her credit that her aim is "pretty good" but needless to say I clean up pee pee when all is said and done after these moments. Regardless, we start wearing real underwear tomorrow for school and not the training underwear/plus the liner on top. We had a big talk about what a big girl she was and how this was the next big step to wear real underwear. Hopefully it sunk in. As Emma would say "YAY EMMA"


Harris Boys said...

omg, she is a mess and congrats on the big girl underwear...yay emma!!!

Sheena said...

Yay! Emma!

She's becoming such a big girl now!!!

Ally said...

Yay for Emma!

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