Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Emma's new favorite word is awesome. I have no idea where she picked it up from but it cracks me up. Everything is just "awesome" She is also so into her fish, Purple, these days which is cool. On Sunday she helped me clean his bowl and she loves to feed him. She cracked me up yesterday because we fed him and then she likes to watch him eat the pellets. Purple had one left and Emma goes "Go get it boy" AHAHAH. She is too funny!!
We are doing well considering we are still having issues with our A/C. sigh. Luckily with the cooler temperatures we have been able to stay at home and not with our wonderful friends that have been so kind to help us out. I have to give myself a pat on the back as I am on day 11 of not smoking. It was so easy to quit when I was pregnant with Emma because it just was but this time has been very challenging. Especially with all of the craziness in my life. But I just look at that sweet face of hers and know that I have to be around for her for as long as I possibly can. I already feel so much better and I am determined to see it through. So yay for me. I'm going to go give myself a high five in the mirror!


donna said...

Emma is too funny. Yey for the no smoking Kim! U deserve a high five!

Sheena said...

She seems likes the funniest, sweetest little girl! I'm sure she is AWESOME! Great job on the smoking! :)

Julia said...

She's the best. Seriously.

I miss her sweet little face. When can we see you guys??!

emowens said...

SOOO cute! I love it, Go get it boy! And purple, let me guess what color the fish it ;-) I also think you deserve some BIG Props for 11 days clean! Way to go Mom!

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